I am using
EJB 2.0 (CMP)for my application & using JBOSS4.0.3 as application server. In my one of EJB I am using
JBOSS QL (as group by clause is ot supported by ejb ql FOR ejb2.0). I am using following XDOCLET for JBOSS QL inside my Bean's implementation class :-
* @jboss.query = "select Count(o) from OrderMaster as o GROUP BY o.orderno"
* signature = "Collection findBydatecount()"
& after building my project Following lines I can see in my jboss-cmp-jdbc.xml for my above JBOSS-QL:-
But I can't see any method in my home interfaces(local/remote home) corresponding to this JBOSS-QL method. So how should I access this JBOSS-QL generated method "findBydatecount" inside my client code?
Please help me.
Thank you in advance.