*EJB Experts Wanted*
The Sun Microsystems certification team is updating the industry leading Sun Certified Business Componet Developer exam for the new
Java EE 5.0,
EJB Edition 3.0 release. Be part of the team setting the industry standards by participating in the �Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java(TM) Platform, Enterpise Edition 5.0� certification exam.
We are looking for participants for the Blueprint Survey and item development phase. The SCBCD 5.0 exam is for programmers and developers who are responsible for designing, developing,
testing, deploying, and integrating Enterprise JavaBeans(TM) EJB(TM) Edition 3.0.
Experts are asked to participate in one or both of the following exam creation phases:
1. Blueprint Survey Phase
This phase is to determine the right mix of test sections and testing objectives via our web-based Blueprint Survey tool. This tool specifies the testing objectives and how many questions should be produced for each testing objective according to importance, frequency and difficulty. From here, the certification weightings are calculated. This weighting aligns industry expectations with the developer skills to be validated.
Experts: 30-50
When: October 16-20th, 2006
Duration: 15 minutes
Where: Internet web survey.
Help Needed: Provide input through check boxes and comments on-line.
2. Item Development Workshop Phase
The test questions are written by industry experts from around the world during a full week development workshop to be held at the Sun Broomfield campus in Broomfield, Colorado. Past participants have found this workshop to be an extremely rewarding experience, providing the opportunity to interact with and learn from other top-notch peers. Participants report building relationships that last beyond the workshop.
*Experts*: 11
*When*: November 13 -17, 2006
*Duration*: 5 full days
*Where*: Broomfield, Colorado (USA)
*Help Needed*: Receive instruction on test question writing and work with industry experts in writing testing questions.
*Cost Relief*: Sun will cover the travel and expenses of workshop participants
All expert participants will receive a free voucher in January to take the Beta exam for this new certification. The Beta examination will be available January 2007 at Prometric testing centers world wide and will take approximately 4-5 hours to complete.
If you PASS the Beta exam, you will receive your certificate, enamel lapel pin, wallet identification card and the Certified Java Technology Professional logo.
How to Participate
If you are interested in participating in one or both phases of the exam, please send an e-mail with your name, company, email, telephone number and level of interest to: Evelyn Cartagena-Meyer (
[email protected])by September 27, 2006.
Note: You must complete and submit the survey to receive a FREE voucher.
Who to Contact
Evelyn Cartagena-Meyer
Java Certification Program Manager
[email protected]