posted 18 years ago
Hello Guys,
'm using WLS8.1, actually I wrote advice bean, after build, I got the AdviceApp.jar in that i got these files...Adiveremote, AdviceHome, ejb-jar.xml, weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.
while am trying to rewrite the weblogic xml file for naming JNDI, it says this is not rewritable file.
client code
Object o = ic.lookup("Advisor"); // replace with YOUR JNDI name for the bean
AdviceHome home = (AdviceHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(o, AdviceHome.class);
Advice advisor = home.create();
geting error here.
D:\Weblogic\user_projects\AdviceApp\AdviceApp\headfirst>javac -classpath "C:\Program Files\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar";"D:\Weblogic\user_projects\AdviceApp\Advic
eApp\AdviceApp.jar" cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class Advice
location: class headfirst.AdviceClient
Advice advisor = home.create();
1 error
Please guys.. help me how and where to give JNDI name in weblogic8.1 and how to rectify this problem