Hello everyone,
I recently started trying my hands on
J2EE web app development and am stuck to following questions about Stateful Session Beans(SfSB), I'll be glad to all of you for clearing my doubts and helping me:-
1> to create shopping cart like application is it necessary to put the SfSB instance for current user in session scope, if so then can't we do same with stateless session beans?
servlets does seesion managment using HttpSession class. But I think SfSBs doesnt have such provision, then how do these beans recognize which request is from which user and is part of a session, in both cases i.e. when beans are in active mode or when the passivated beans are reactivated?
3> in shopping cart like applications what are other ways that can manage sessions (making use of MVC and EJBs)?
thanks in advance