I have an EJB deployed in a JBoss server on a machine. I want to invoke another EJB deployed on a remote server. I want to use the @EJB annotation to inject the remote EJB reference. How do I specify the remote server url in this annotation? Or do I specify this in some xml file?
I got this paragraph from http://trailblazer.demo.jboss.com/EJB3Trail/serviceobjects/injection/
EJB 3.0 dependency injection only works in the local JNDI. Hence you cannot inject objects from remote servers.
Does this mean that I cannot use @EJB annotation from remote clients?
As far as I know latest versions of JBoss does not support a concept of Application Client Container that allows you to use @EJB injection from a remote client.
See http://manning.com/panda/ for examples in Glassfish and OracleAS how they support DI in the client side. I had to change the code to use lookup for porting it to JBoss
Thanks for your response. I downloaded the code from your site, but could not find the code for locating remote beans from a servlet or EJB using @EJB annotation. Where do we specify the jndi properties in this case? Do we use a jndi.properties file like we do for standalone clients?