Even if the voices <i>aren't</i> real, they still have some good ideas!
Even if the voices <i>aren't</i> real, they still have some good ideas!
Even if the voices <i>aren't</i> real, they still have some good ideas!
Ed Thompson wrote:YES! After 3 days, I finally got it to work! What a pain!!! (The IBM doc is scattered all over the place. Never seems to be a place for one stop shopping)
I had to bind the reference in the web.xml file. Under RAD7 that meant:
1) From the deployment descriptor references tab, add a WebSphere binding of jms/MyConnectionFactory.
2) At first blush, this only added an id to what I had before:
However, buried in ibm-web-bnd.xmi is where the dots get connected:
In the code I had to change the lookups from "jms/MyConnectionFactoryRef" to "jms/MyConnectionFactory". I also had to change the code in the servlet from looking up a Destination to looking up the queue.
The outstanding question? Did I break a best practice by removing 'Ref' and Destination, or is this a necessity of Writing to the queue from a servlet instead of an EJB?
Also, this was not real intuitive - how would I have known to do this? How would i have done this manually had I not been working in RAD?
Message for you sir! I think it is a tiny ad:
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