I think that it usually best if the EJB methods which are exposed to a client are coarse-grained. Consider a MoneyTransferBean which manages the transfer of funds. What I like to see is a single coarse-grained method, let's call it transfer(), exposed to the client. Behind the scenes, there may be other fine-grained methods such as withdraw(), deposit(), createAuditLog(), etc, which actually do the work but which the client has no need to see.
So Jeanne is right to question exposing 250 methods to the client. What you need to do is declare only the relevant methods in your Remote interfaces, and make the appropriate changes to your EJB classes.
On a related point: if your services are highly transactional, it may be a good idea to implement a stateless session bean as a session facade. The reason is that should you later build a Web service, then this will make it easier to reuse such a bean as a Web service endpoint which can process
SOAP messages as RPC calls.