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Originally posted by Ganesan Kal:
Where can I find/download the EJB 2.x jar files?
You mean the jar files containing javax.ejb.* package? When you download JBoss, it already comes with these jar files (which you can find in %JBOSS_HOME%/server/default/lib folder).
Originally posted by Ganesan Kal:
How can I deploy a whole application including servlets and EJBs into jboss?
You can create an EAR file containing the ejb jars and the servlet/jsp war file and place the ear file in the deploy folder of JBoss.
Originally posted by Ganesan Kal:
Can we deploy them as separately, as the servlets and JSP packeged into test.war and the EJB stuff packaged into test.jar?
Yes, you can deploy it this way too