I think it's a bit in the middle. We explain the concepts of ESBs and show how to apply these concepts (routing, transformation, security, connectivity etc.) in practice using Mule and ServiceMix.
So basically the concepts are explained using concrete examples from Mule and ServiceMix.
In chapter 1 we describe the functionality an ESB can provide for you and how this can be applied in a typical enterprise application. The examples in the book are kept small and focused to a specific topic from chapter 1 to 8. Chapters 9 to 11 shows two examples of larger case studies where we implement integration functionality that also can be found in real-world projects. In chapter 9 we also describe a pattern-based design approach that can be very helpful in integration projects.
Best regards,
Tijs Rademakers
Author of Activiti in Action and Open Source ESBs in Action
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