Here are the behaviors I see in OC4J 10.1.3. Wondering with the behaviors. What do you think must be the behaviors in the following scenarios ???
1. EJBObject.remove() followed by invoking business method on Bean = java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException
2. EJBHome.remove(Object pk) = javax.ejb.RemoveException
3. EJBHome.remove(null) = NullPointerException (at com.evermind.server.ejb.RemoteStatefulSessionEJBHome.remove(
1. EJBObject.remove() followed by invoking business method on Bean = No exception is thrown from remove and the business method executes successfully !
2. EJBHome.remove(Object pk)= javax.ejb.RemoveException
3. EJBHome.remove(null) = No execption is thrown