Am working on an ATM interface it behavior is
In Unix Machine I have my Oracle Database, Webphere MQ, and MDB running in OC4J Server am configured my MDB to Support XA transaction. In MQ bindings also I used XA.
Testing -------
MDB is picking a Message from MQ and in the OnMessage() and manually throwing an Exception. So this means Unsuccessful Execution of Onmessage() and in the catch block am calling setrollbackonly.
After Picking 1st message from MQ in the Onmessage () am throwing an exception, Again the ejbcreate() is calling and then OnMessage() again the exception again ejbCreate(). It happens for 7 times. On the 8th time My MDB is picking the 2nd Message and I checked the MQ the 1st Message is not there. I lost the Message. Whether this is the Actual Behavior???
Please Assist Me. Thanks in Advance
[ October 15, 2008: Message edited by: Meet Gaurav ]