Hi, I have doubt in AWT. How to transfer cursor control between two Textareas in the same panel? Also how do i make the user give input in one textarea and read it in the other textarea. Any help will be greatly appreciated Regards Madhesh
hi, dont about cursor.... but second one i can help u have some event(action) In that event get text from first text area and at same time set that text in second area ... I hope u got what i am trying to say
You need to add listeners to the textarea's and then when you are notified of an event in the textarea you can stop and do stuff (like changing the contents of the other textarea). To transfer control, when you are notified of an event you can change the focus. [This message has been edited by Cindy Glass (edited April 02, 2001).]
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
Hi, Thanks for ur suggestions. How do i actually transfer the focus to a particular textarea or textbox. The API transferFocus just transfers the focus to the next element in the focus order. Madhesh
Hi, Thanks for ur suggestions. How do i actually transfer the focus to a particular textarea or textbox. The API transferFocus just transfers the focus to the next element in the focus order. Madhesh