Hi Anthony,
yeah it is pretty simple to set up the client (Windows 2000 side).
Just have the jt400.jar in your classpath, and so long as you can see the AS400 on the network (and have a valid AS400 user profile),
you should be fine.
From the AS400 side, somebody might have to install some of the IBM java support programs (but don't quote me on this).
check out this link for more info:
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/html/as400/v5r1/ic2924/info/rzahh/rzahnm05.htm#HDRRZAHNRE2-RE2RF here is a simple example of a CL program call to get you started.
the CL program (get someone to compile it for you, or maybe you can just do it yourself)
the java class that calls it
You might need to adjust these slightly for your environment, in particular the name of the AS/400 you want to connect to, and the library and program name of the CL program.
I don't work on the AS/400 platform anymore, so that's about my limit of being able to help you.
Basically (after maybe program/class compile issues), if you can't run this successfully then the AS/400 might not have the necessary supporting software installed (see the above url).
Hope this helps,