hi all,
what is the difference/relation between sun.boot.library.path and java.library.path and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on Unix)?
here is what i understand,
1. LD_LIBRARY_PATH as we know is a Unix/Linux env variable that specifies where the lib<<name>>.so and lib<<name>>.so.a files are,
2. java.library.path is
Java System Property that is usually the value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH var on our system (Unix)
3. i don't know what role sun.boot.library.path Java System Property plays?
on my development webserver iPlanet 4.1, i don't have LD_LIBRARY_PATH set. still it works when i try to use say , java.awt.List l = new java.awt.List(); statement...
but now on production server it doesn't work. in there as well we don't have LD_LIBRARY_PATH set and we get the same results when we run,
though I will see the out put for,
sun.boot.library.path var as well but i was curious what is the relation between those three properties...