Hi all, Somebody knows how can i create a String if i have his hashCode?, the api says that hashCode method of String class uses the folowing code: s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1] but, i havn't got time to make experiments, Thanks,
I don' know that you can work backwards like this. You could convert the decimal hashcode to a base 31 number and then interpret the string, but you can only reconstruct the original string using this method if your original string used only ASCII values 0-30, all of which are NPCs/whitespace. Not very useful.
Piscis Babelis est parvus, flavus, et hiridicus, et est probabiliter insolitissima raritas in toto mundo.
ok, i'm trying to use hashCode as parameter in an URL, but i think that the best way is to convert it in a hexadecimal String, hidding the parameters Example: Hello -> A2B2 ...
Thanks for all
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