posted 17 years ago
I can give you some information from my first hand experience.
1. You have to do a very thorough research on your target job market in the UK. Go through the job sites, get a hang of the kind of jobs/monies available. If you are looking at permnet jobs or contract jobs, make sure you have all the information you need. All the information will be available in the job sites and sites like contractorUK
2. Companies do expect you to have work authrorisation in UK even before they want to talk to you. There are hardly any companies these days which would sponser work permits. If you have an International driving permit issued in India, you can drive cars in UK upto 1 year and its not true that all companies would insist on Driving licence.
3. Most importantly, after doing your research, you have to be confident that your level of skills would definetly land you in a job. If you are not confident, make sure that you update your skillsets and reach a point where you can be confident.
4. Once you get your HSMP and decide to come to UK, you can do a lot of ground work sitting in India. You can approach the job sites and consultants with your CV and tell them that you are coming to UK on particular date and start scheduling interviews. If your CV really good you can land a few first round telephonic interviews and take them sitting in India.
This is what i did
Jun 2006 - Decided to apply for HSMP. Started working on my technical skills
Oct 2006 - Applied for HSMP
Nov 2006 - HSMP approved
Dec 2006 - Resigned from my job
Jan 2006 - Decided to fly to UK in mid Feb. Started disposing my belonings in India. Applied to UK job websites, started getting very good response. Scheduled 5 inteviews for mid Feb. Attended 2 telephonic interviews while sitting in india
First week feb 2006- Got my Visa and confirmed the ticets
2nd week Feb - Flew to UK
3rd week Feb - first offer
4th week March - joined my first job. Had 6 offers by this time.
Probably you can gather the amount of preperation i did before reaching a stage where i can join my first job.
It depends a lot on your confidence level whether you want to resign from your job or go on a long leave. Its your decision.
Hope this helps