Hi All
I am trying to load an image to display in JLabel.
I am doing it in the following way.
ImageIcon icon = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("images/logo.gif");
JLabel title = new JLabel(" Commingled Funds Trade Entry ",icon,JLABEL.Left)
my gif file is in c:/images/logo.gif;
i am running this from c:/ as
java com.chase.impb.tokyo.matrix2.cfunds.CFTradeEntry
its worknig fine.
when i make a jar file for this class file and copy into d:/test and run the jar file from d:/test its not able to locate the image file.
Can somebody help me.
Do i need to pur the image also inside jar???
[ September 09, 2003: Message edited by: Radha MahaLakshmi ]