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Why does it not show the new coordinates?!!??!!
Rob Shan Lone
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posted 21 years ago
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import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class Shape extends Applet implements ActionListener, ItemListener { // text fields and associated labels private TextField area, shapeWidth, shapeHeight, shapex ,shapey; private Label areaLabel, widthLabel, heightLabel, xLabel, yLabel; // choice buttons and associated labels private Choice shapeColors, shapes; private Label colorLabel, shapeLabel; // reference to our object - note that currentShape may not be instantiated as it is an abstract class! private TwoDimensionalShape currentShape; // this will be used as a superclass reference to a subclass object // color information for the color choice button private Color colorList[] = {,,,,, Color.cyan,, Color.yellow, Color.gray, Color.magenta }; private String colorNames[] = { "Black", "Red", "Blue", "Green", "Pink", "Cyan", "Orange", "Yellow", "Grey", "Magenta" }; // shape information for the shape choice button private String shapeNames[] = { "Circle", "Square", "Triange"};//CG // constants to provide symbolic references to shape name index positions private final int CIRCLE = 0; private final int SQUARE = 1; private final int TRIANGLE = 2; // graphics parameters: (X,Y) coordinate, default height and width for object public int xb = 100; public int yb = 200; private final int DEFAULTSIZE = 30; private final Color BLACKNESS =; // init: first method called when applet starts up - used to initialize the GUI public void init() { // turn off layout manager setLayout( null ); // create width and height labels and text fields; add them to the applet widthLabel = new Label( "Width:" ); shapeWidth = new TextField( 3 ); heightLabel = new Label( "Height:" ); shapeHeight = new TextField( 3 ); add( widthLabel ); add( shapeWidth ); add( heightLabel ); add( shapeHeight ); // create x and y labels and text fields; add them to the applet xLabel = new Label( "X Coord:" ); shapex = new TextField( 10 ); yLabel = new Label( "Y Coord:" ); shapey = new TextField( 10 ); add( xLabel ); add( shapex ); add( yLabel ); add( shapey ); // create the area label text field - this text field is non-editable areaLabel = new Label( "Area:" ); area = new TextField( 8 ); area.setEditable( false ); add( areaLabel ); add( area ); // create the color choice button and label colorLabel = new Label( "Colors:" ); add( colorLabel ); shapeColors = new Choice(); for ( int i = 0; i < colorNames.length; i++ ) // note creation of variable i: scope is the for loop shapeColors.addItem( colorNames[i] ); // note array use... add( shapeColors ); // create the shape choice button and label shapeLabel = new Label( "Shapes:" ); add( shapeLabel ); shapes = new Choice(); for ( int i = 0; i < shapeNames.length; i++ ) shapes.addItem( shapeNames[i] ); // again note array use... add( shapes ); // place GUI objects where we want them on the applet: upper left (x,y) coordinate, width, height widthLabel.reshape( 10, 10, 40, 20 ); shapeWidth.reshape( 50, 10, 45, 20 ); heightLabel.reshape( 100, 10, 40, 20 ); shapeHeight.reshape( 145, 10, 45, 20 ); areaLabel.reshape( 200, 10, 35, 20 ); area.reshape( 235, 10, 100, 20 ); colorLabel.reshape( 10, 35, 50, 20 ); shapeColors.reshape( 60, 35, 100, 20 ); shapeLabel.reshape( 185, 35, 50, 20 ); shapes.reshape( 235, 35, 100, 20 ); xLabel.reshape( 360, 10, 100, 20 ); shapex.reshape( 470, 10, 100, 20 ); yLabel.reshape( 580, 10, 100, 20 ); shapey.reshape( 690, 10, 100, 20 ); // initialize our shape and initial display information currentShape = new Square( xb, yb, DEFAULTSIZE, DEFAULTSIZE, BLACKNESS ); shapeWidth.setText( Integer.toString( DEFAULTSIZE ) ); shapeHeight.setText( Integer.toString( DEFAULTSIZE ) ); area.setText( Double.toString( currentShape.getArea() ) ); shapex.setText( Double.toString( xb ) ); shapey.setText( Double.toString( yb ) ); //enable event handlers - Java requires registering components if we want to process their events shapeWidth.addActionListener( this ); shapeHeight.addActionListener( this ); shapex.addActionListener( this ); shapey.addActionListener( this ); shapes.addItemListener( this ); shapeColors.addItemListener( this ); } // actionPerformed: called whenever an action event (value entered in a text field) occurs. public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { // check the shape width text field if ( e.getSource() == shapeWidth ) { currentShape.setWidth( Integer.parseInt( shapeWidth.getText() ) ); area.setText( Double.toString( currentShape.getArea() ) ); } // check the shape height text field if ( e.getSource() == shapeHeight ) { currentShape.setHeight( Integer.parseInt( shapeHeight.getText() ) ); area.setText( Double.toString( currentShape.getArea() ) ); } // check the shape x coord text field if ( e.getSource() == shapex ) { currentShape.setx( Integer.parseInt( shapex.getText() ) ); } // check the shape y coord text field if ( e.getSource() == shapey ) { currentShape.sety( Integer.parseInt( shapey.getText() ) ); } repaint(); } // itemStateChanged: called whenever an item event (selection of a choice item) occurs. public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e ) { // check the shapes choice button if ( e.getSource() == shapes ) { // get the current height, width, and color, x, y int high = currentShape.getHeight(); int wide = currentShape.getWidth(); Color color = currentShape.getColor(); int xb = currentShape.getxcoord(); int yb = currentShape.getycoord(); // create the new shape using same parameters as last shape. Note that we are assigning // a just-instantiated subclass object to a superclass reference - this allows polymorphism. switch ( shapes.getSelectedIndex() ) { case CIRCLE: currentShape = new Circle(xb, yb, high, wide, color ); // showing use of one constructor method.... break; case SQUARE: currentShape = new Square(xb, yb, high, wide, color ); // now showing the other constructor method. break; case TRIANGLE: currentShape = new Triangle(xb, yb, high, wide, color ); break; } area.setText( Double.toString( currentShape.getArea() ) ); } // check the color selection choice button if ( e.getSource() == shapeColors ) { currentShape.setColor( colorList[ shapeColors.getSelectedIndex() ] ); } repaint(); // repaint automatically calls update(), then paint(). } // paint: updates the graphics display public void paint( Graphics g ) { currentShape.draw( g, xb , yb ); // only one line needed due to polymorphic behavior! } } import java.awt.*; public abstract class TwoDimensionalShape extends Shape { // instance variables private Color objectColor; // stores a Color object for the color of the shape private int height; // height of shape private int width; // width of shape private int x; private int y; // setColor: sets the shape's color public void setColor( Color color ) { objectColor = color; } // getColor: returns the shape's color public Color getColor() { return objectColor; } // setHeight: sets the height of the shape. Note that the height is forced to be at least 1 unit high. public void setHeight( int high ) { if ( high > 0 ) height = high; else height = 1; } // setWidth: sets the width of the shape. Note that the width is forced to be at least 1 unit wide. public void setWidth( int wide ) { if ( wide > 0 ) width = wide; else width = 1; } // setx: sets the x coordinates of the shape. public void setx( int xb ) { x = xb; } // sety: sets the y coordinates of the shape. public void sety( int yb ) { y = yb; } // getHeight: returns the height of the shape. public int getHeight() { return height; } // getWidth: returns the width of the shape. public int getWidth() { return width; } // getxcoord: returns the x coordinates of the shape. public int getxcoord() { return x; } // getycoord: returns the y coordinates of the shape. public int getycoord() { return y; } // draw: abstract method that must be defined in subclass. This is done because // different shapes will require different graphics calls in order to draw the shape. public abstract void draw( Graphics g, int X_BASE, int Y_BASE ); // getArea: abstract method that must be defined in subclass. This is done because // different shapes have different formulas for the calculation of area. public abstract double getArea(); } import java.awt.* ; public class Circle extends TwoDimensionalShape { private int x ; private int y ; private int wide ; private int high ; private Color color ; public Circle( int x , int y , int wide , int high , Color color ) { this.x = x ; this.y = y ; this.wide = wide ; this.high = high ; this.color = color ; } public double getArea() { return Math.PI * 0.5 * getHeight() * 0.5 * getWidth(); } public void draw( Graphics g, int x, int y ) { Color temp = g.getColor(); g.setColor( getColor() ); g.fillOval( x , y , wide , high ); g.setColor( temp ); } } import java.awt.* ; public class Square extends TwoDimensionalShape { private int x ; private int y ; private int wide ; private int high ; private Color color ; public Square( int x , int y , int wide , int high , Color color ) { this.x = x ; this.y = y ; this.wide = wide ; this.high = high ; this.color = color ; } public double getArea() { return getHeight() * getWidth(); } public void draw( Graphics g, int x, int y ) { Color temp = g.getColor(); g.setColor( getColor() ); g.fillRect( x , y , wide , high ); g.setColor( temp ); } } import java.awt.*; public class Triangle extends TwoDimensionalShape { private final int numPoints = 3; private int xValues[] = new int[ numPoints ]; private int yValues[] = new int[ numPoints ]; private int x ; private int y ; private int wide ; private int high ; private Color color ; // constructor that allows initial color to be set by calling method. public Triangle( int x, int y, int high, int wide, Color color ) { this.x = x ; this.y = y ; this.wide = wide ; this.high = high ; this.color = color ; } public double getArea() { return 0.5 * getHeight() * getWidth(); } public void draw( Graphics g, int x, int y ) { Color temp = g.getColor(); // set up the (X,Y) coordinates for the polygon. // note how we indicate the X-Y pairs with our coding format... xValues[0] = x; yValues[0] = y; xValues[1] = x; yValues[1] = y + getHeight(); xValues[2] = x + getWidth(); yValues[2] = y + getHeight(); g.setColor( getColor() ); g.fillPolygon( xValues, yValues, numPoints ); g.setColor( temp ); } }
Mr. C Lamont Gilbert
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you'll have to give a bit more detail about the problem and less about the code.
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