Hi Everyone. I am currently living in memphis, Tn and working for a fortune500 company as a
java developer. I need to do my masters next year. In order to do that i searched a university(University Of Memphis) and came to know that one of the programs(Applied Computer Science) is the best suitable program for me because they offer more practical ecommerce courses like web application, data mining, database, etc and some business courses also.
To get admitted in this program either a GRE score or GMAT score is good. I bought both of these books barrons GRE and barrons GMAT. My only drawback is my english(Not in speaking but vocabulary) and geometry. GRE have 3000 vocabulary
word list and from talking and getting advices from people i came to know GMAT is easier than GRE.
Which one do you think i should give GRE or GMAT?. I got 2 months to prepare.
Thank You