i just want to create File in Winndows , my code is there in AiIx server().in aix if i run java program i just want to create a file in$/test/StartDataEntry.txt file
is it possible in java? [ November 27, 2005: Message edited by: Mark Spritzler ]
i just want to create File in Winndows , my code is there in AiIx server().in aix if i run java program i just want to create a file in$/test/StartDataEntry.txt file
is it possible in java?
This is *not* a Java issue -- it is an operating systems issue. Windows file networking, with the technique that you are using, uses the Samba protocol. You need to have a Samba client on the AIX machine, and you need to modify your AIX program to use that instead.
Samba comes with a Java client library at jcifs.samba.org. It can read and write Windows files on a shared drive over the network, and has an API that's just like java.io.File, so it's easy to learn.
jCIFS is a Java library, it doesn't care whether it's used in desktop app, web app or web service, and it runs on all platforms that have a JVM. Does this answer your question?
Why wouldn't Axis run in any servlet container? The requirements for Axis are Java API 1.3 and Servlet API 2.2. That's also explained in more detail in the Axis installation guide.
Whether or not you use jCIFS with it makes no difference. Note that jCIFS may need to be installed in the servlet containers CLASSPATH, not in WEB-INF/lib, as is explained here.