The more I learn, the less I know....<br /> <br />SCJP2 <br />SCWCD
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
Originally posted by Elinor Chang:
[QB]I am getting random run time exception when converting BigDecimal to double. The exception is the NumberFormatException. Since we are doing lots of scientific calucaltion, our precision is up to 14 position after the decimal point.
The more I learn, the less I know....<br /> <br />SCJP2 <br />SCWCD
The more I learn, the less I know....<br /> <br />SCJP2 <br />SCWCD
The more I learn, the less I know....<br /> <br />SCJP2 <br />SCWCD
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
The more I learn, the less I know....<br /> <br />SCJP2 <br />SCWCD
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
The more I learn, the less I know....<br /> <br />SCJP2 <br />SCWCD
Tony Morris
Java Q&A (FAQ, Trivia)
Hey, I'm supposed to be the guide! Wait up! No fair! You have the tiny ad!
Smokeless wood heat with a rocket mass heater