Thanks Joe. but when i ran the command (given below), i got
If i view this url from browser, and my path is
http://CO-Bank:8000 there is 404 error but if I write
http://CO-Bank:8000/cobankprj/cobank.portal, the site come up. Please help.
java -cp C:\bea812\jdk141_05\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\bea812\weblogic81\server\lib\
weblogic.jar;%CLASSPATH% weblogic.Admin -url
http://CO-Bank:8000 -usernam
e weblogic -password weblogic FORCESHUTDOWN COBANKManagedServer
Failed to connect to
http://CO-Bank:8000: Destination unreachable; nested
exception is: Tunneling result unspecified - is the HTTP s
erver at host: 'CO-Bank' and port: '8000' a WebLogic Server?; No availabl
e router to destination
Why does it not connect to this valid url?
[ February 10, 2006: Message edited by: robbie keane ]