Originally posted by FY Hsieh:
In JDK, what's the common and popular encrypt/decrypt API ?
Originally posted by Rahul Bhattacharjee:
JCE is already in place with JDK to take care of your encryption and decryption.But I do not think is has any direct function to do this.
You can use symetric approach if you need to encrypt/decrypt a string.Using the JCE you can create symetric key and then with the help of cipher and the key you can decrypt and you need to use the very same key for decryption.
Do people usually pass the string along with the key over the network ?
Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
That kind of defeats the purpose of encryption. I f you pass the ciphertext along with the key for decryption you might as well send the cleartext instead. Generally, the key is communicated to wherever it is needed by other channels.
Originally posted by Ulf Dittmer:
That kind of defeats the purpose of encryption. I f you pass the ciphertext along with the key for decryption you might as well send the cleartext instead. Generally, the key is communicated to wherever it is needed by other channels.
Originally posted by FY Hsieh:
so, could you give some details on how to pass an encrypted string to another JVM (suppose they can use the same encryption algorithm or API) for it to be decrypted on the other end ?
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Originally posted by D Rog:
Do you have any working examples of your approach? it looks very interesting for me, however I wouldn't like to start with pure idea.
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