Originally posted by shilpa Bhopatkar:
But even though I completed certifications,I have practical experience about JAVA,jsp servlet,struts,XML only.I have not worked on EJB.
What technologoes I should learn within 3 months duration time which will help me during interviews?
Please give me suggetions for this.
Thanks in advance.
[ April 01, 2008: Message edited by: shilpa Bhopatkar ]
Alright. I agree 100% with Arul. Certifications are jsut brand value, not the value itself.
In three months time, it would be good, if you can understand clearly the basics of web applications, in particular J2EE applications. You can also try learning Spring & Hibernate, since they are really effecient.
IMHO, I would advice you to slightly elevate your focus, to design related issues, application architecture etc!
Design Patterns & UML. They will be definite building blocks as we go up in the career. So, try them out.
2. Also try and look into the build processes, build tools etc!
3. You may also know little bit about the SOA, Web Services, and various ways to build web services. Getting familiar with
4. Any web server (
Tomcat, for example). Try plugging in Tomcat with Eclipse and set a development environment up!
If we do not get opportunity to work with any specific technology, there's nothing wrong about it, if we try to teach those concepts ourselves!
And as Arul says, work on your resume too!!
All the best