1st of all if you want to create an executable format on a .java program what you need to do is to create a " .jar file " an executable form of java. Here's a guide where you can learn how to create a executable file or jar file.
http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jar/basics/build.html If you still dont know how too then :
Try this for your program create 1st a manifest.tmp file in the notpad of your windows try typing this on you tmp file:
" main-class : yourmain.class "
After you figure out what java program you want to create a .exe for
then type this to the command promt :
c:\jdk1.3.1\javac\bin\jar Filename.jar manifest.tmp *.class
then press enter.
thats it you've just created a jar file.
Filename.jar here is the main java program that you put in the manifest file and also the one that you want to create an .exe for.
After finishing the .exe or the .jar file you can create an installer now, you need 1st to download the InstallAnywhere from
http://www.zerog.com Hope that helps . . .
Life is like a book that you need to review for continues knowledge and growth. http://javatm.4t.com My Personal Site
[ September 19, 2003: Message edited by: Jan Michael Soan ]