Thanks & Regards,<br />Bhuvan Samrat.
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Other Certs: SCEA Part 1, Part 2 & 3, Core Spring 3, TOGAF part 1 and part 2
Thanks and Regards,
SCJP 1.5 (90%), SCWCD 1.5 (85%), The Jovial Java, java.util.concurrent tutorial
Sai Surya, SCJP 5.0, SCWCD 5.0, IBM 833 834, I believe in Murphy's law.
Thanks and Regards,
SCJP 1.5 (90%), SCWCD 1.5 (85%), The Jovial Java, java.util.concurrent tutorial
Originally posted by Sai Surya:
I believe getting a job in Singapore is easy (I mean winning interview is very easy) however, you won the interview doesn't mean that you are done. Most of the time you need to work with tight schedules, minimal or no documentation even for the requirements and specifications. Singapore IT companies worship their clients and they obey whatever they say at any point of time. I remember a month ago I worked until 4 am to complete the change requests raised by customer a day before the delivery. We were two guys sat until 4 am and gave client a presentation on the changes the next day at sharp 8 am.
I requested for a day break to take rest at 9:30 am on the same day. My request was rejected by my manager in a hurting way. Singapore IT work culture is really tough and painful. The moral of the Singapore IT story is "Pay less salary and suck more work".
If you are planning to come to Singapore, be prepare mentally and physically to work 16 hours a day on average including Sat and Sun.
Hendy Setyo Mulyo
SCJP 1.4 (95%), SCWCD 1.4 (94%)
Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
Is it that bad in Singapore?
- Manish
Sai Surya, SCJP 5.0, SCWCD 5.0, IBM 833 834, I believe in Murphy's law.
Originally posted by Sai Surya:
Yes it is! However, on the personnel front, Singapore gives you great lifestyle.
Hendy Setyo Mulyo
SCJP 1.4 (95%), SCWCD 1.4 (94%)
Originally posted by Sai Surya:
Yes it is! However, on the personnel front, Singapore gives you great lifestyle.
Originally posted by Manish Hatwalne:
And given the inhuman work hours, when would you get any time to have a great lifestyle?
Sai Surya, SCJP 5.0, SCWCD 5.0, IBM 833 834, I believe in Murphy's law.
Originally posted by Sai Surya:
Coming back to late hours, being lucky, sometimes people get a chance to hang around on weekends, so they used to plan for outings etc. Singapore is a heaven for shopping, food (you are lucky if you are a fan of seafood) and lot of weekend activities.
Hendy Setyo Mulyo
SCJP 1.4 (95%), SCWCD 1.4 (94%)
The purpose of a phone interview is to do a preliminary check to see if you are qualified/fit the position before bringing you in for an onsite interview.
Thanks and Regards,
SCJP 1.5 (90%), SCWCD 1.5 (85%), The Jovial Java, java.util.concurrent tutorial
Helping hands are much better than the praying lips
Originally posted by Rambo Prasad:
Sunny and Sai,
Working for 16 hours sounds scary That is two times the normal working hours in India..I think in the long run health condition will go for a toss... What do you think about the saving potential in Singapore...Can people expect to save at least twice the amount they save in India...
Is firing with a short notice a common practice there..?
[ May 26, 2008: Message edited by: Rambo Prasad ]
Sai Surya, SCJP 5.0, SCWCD 5.0, IBM 833 834, I believe in Murphy's law.
Thanks and Regards,
SCJP 1.5 (90%), SCWCD 1.5 (85%), The Jovial Java, java.util.concurrent tutorial
Originally posted by Sunny Jain:
Sai..its seems like you are working for citi..!
Sai Surya, SCJP 5.0, SCWCD 5.0, IBM 833 834, I believe in Murphy's law.
Working for 16 hours sounds scary That is two times the normal working hours in India..
You would be much easier to understand if you took that bucket off of your head. And that goes for the tiny ad too!
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