There's nothing more dangerous than a resourceful idiot. ---Dilbert
Originally posted by Mike Curwen:
You main "application" (or applet) can extend applet, but what Vani is showing you is how to extend a JTextField. So instead of using a JTextField, you would now use MyTextField.
Here is an example of an application that uses two different kinds of extended JTextFields.
And thanks to Vani! I was unable to get my own 'limited' textbox to work using Documents. This solution seems much simpler. I'm waiting for the thorn though!
Here is the class that Vani gave you. It's been modified to use AWT.
here is the class for UpperCaseFieldAnd finally, here is a class that uses them all. In your case Kajol, this would be an applet.
[This message has been edited by Mike Curwen (edited April 04, 2001).]
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