Originally posted by ming fan:
If you want to use HTTP to send file, you have to send it as a multipart request, Jason Hunter gave out some sample code on how to write a multipart request in his book Java Servlet Programming. You can make changes to his MultipartRequest class sample, and that should work.
Hi Ming:
Thanks for your response! I read the MultipartRequest class in Jason's Hunter book before. This class is used
for processing the HTTP request that you received in your servlet. So, although the class is useful, it is for server side
processing. What I am looking for is a way to construct an HTTP Request with file attachements that I can send to
the servlet (which in turn will use the MultipartRequest class above to unpackage it).
If you have information on what I need, please let me know right away. Sample code would be wonderful!!!
Many thanks,
Tom Tran
[email protected]