posted 23 years ago
I forgot to mention... a point I wanted to make was about the dispose.
If you know VB at all, you'll understand the // comment I made in the code, but for those who don't
dispose() simply tells the JVM that it can reclaim all the resources that were used to create the JDialog (graphical stuff), but as near as I can determine.. it does not actually blow away the dialog box (and because the dialog object contains the values, they aren't lost either). You would only accomplish this by setting the reference to null (dg = null ;) Which you MAY need to do, if you want the dialog to come up 'fresh' each time.
See what I mean by doing this:The second showing of the dialog box, retains the value you put in there before. If you wanted a clean dialog, you'd have to set dg=null, and make a new one. (or otherwise override the setVisible method to reset things back to default)
[This message has been edited by Mike Curwen (edited June 04, 2001).]