I just want to do disable selection of a particular row. Also I have list of rows out of multiple selection. I want to disable selection for those rows and grey them. Trying to find a solution.
Originally posted by Manfred Leonhardt: [B]Hi Sankaran, IMO, you would need to subclass the DefaultTableModel in order to stop editting. Something like the following:
I am not exactly sure how to perform what you want, but this could be a start. Regards, Manfred.[/B]
Hi Krishnan I think you can solve this problem round about way. I am assuming that you are using JTable which uses AbstractTableModel. To Make a gray row, you can do by extending DefaultTableCellRenderer, And you need to keep this row number. Just allow multiple selection(No Problem Gray row can be selected)When you do some processing with multiple selected rows, Just neglect gray row(You know row numbers which are grayed), This process has to be done in class which extends AbstractTableModel.. This is just a concept in my mind. I am not sure this is what your looking for.. Mohana