Hi You could try this : Image image; ImageViewer imageViewer1 = new ImageViewer(); try { imageViewer1.setImageURL(symantec.itools.net.RelativeURL.getURL("yourgif.gif or the URL of your gif")); } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException error) image = imageViewer1.getImage(); ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(image); This should take care of your problem.
thankx a lot Meghna,Manfred it was of great help . meghna i want to know if these classes are free?? and where r they avalilable for download . prashant
Which classes are you talking about here ?!! Is it Image & ImageViewer ?!! If so, you don't have to download it. It should be available in AWT Multimedia(ImageViewer). Image is again an abstract class in AWT. Meghna
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