Originally posted by Arun Yadav:
How much GBP(per annum) would be good enough to have decent life and savings in London. I would be staying with my family.
It's somewhere between 40,000 and 750,000 pounds.
In truth this is a useless question. There are people who would be happy living on 40,000 and others who would feel anything less than 500,000 would curtail their lifestyle.
Since we aren't you we have no idea what you care about--do you need a 2 bedroom or is anything less than 5 bedrooms uncivilized? Is a night out drinks at the put or dinner and the theater? Is a 3 day weekend spent in Bath or in St. Barts?
If you want a meaningful answer a a meaningful question. We can't guess your lifestyle. Rather say "I want to life the following life... how much will this cost?"