Originally posted by Vishal Pandya:
There is a musical that was on broadway for years, turned into a movie, called Oklahoma and that was a line from the main theme song.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma! I'm originally from Muskogee, OK which is about 3 hours E of OKC. I have a few friends that live in OKC. I think primarily because it is close to OU and OSU.
From what I understand from research I've done the IT market in OKC (and really Oklahoma for that matter) is not that great. I suppose if you find a job there and keep it you are fine. But if you lose it it might be tough to find a new one.
As far as OKC living, I'm not a fan. If I had to live somewhere in OK right now it would be Tulsa. But it really depends on what your interests are. If you like going to clubs/bars and trying to pick up girls that are a) too young or b) divorced and looking for a dad for their kid(s) then I suppose OKC is the place for you. (information comes from a single friend of mine). There are no professional sports teams in OK right now although OKC is getting an NBA team. Not sure when though. Maybe as early as this coming season.