Okay, my question isn't exactly about how to use Swing or AWT, but this IS a GUI app. Somehow, one of my member variables becomes null when it should actual refer to an object. So...here are some details. I have a plethora of classes in this program:
LifeFrame - extends JFrame and initializes the GUI
LifePanel - extends JPanel and contains all other graphic objects
WorldPanel - I do my custom drawing here. This is where the member reference lives that mysteriously becomes null.
World - Parent class for my Game of Life simulation. This has two subclasses: one for text-only and another for use in a GUI app
GraphicWorld - extends World; Most importantly, this has a paint() and other methods for graphical manipulation
OptionsDialog - so far this dialog allows the user to set the width and height of the "world" grid. I might add other customization features in the future.
When I run the program, the grid paints fine. I can click on it to create "life" and click on the various buttons to run the simulation. This means that the reference to a GraphicWorld in the WorldPanel class actually has an object (i.e. isn't null). When I open the OptionsDialog to change the size of the world, I get a NullPointerException, though.
The biggest mystery is that it used to work perfectly. I'm not sure what I changed recently to cause this problem.
I guess I should also post some of my code so you can get a better idea how I have this put together. I'll try to just post the relevant parts. If anyone wants to see other sections, pleast let me know.
// LifeFrame.java
public class LifeFrame
extends CloseableFrame
static public void main(
String[] args)
new LifeFrame().show();
public LifeFrame()
setTitle("The Game of Life");
Dimension d = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
setBounds(d.width / 4, d.height / 4, d.width / 2, d.height / 2);
p = new LifePanel();
getContentPane().add(new LifePanel());
private void createMenu()
// snip...
a = new AbstractAction[1];
a[0] = new AbstractAction("Options...")
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
if(options.getResult() == OptionsDialog.OK)
System.out.println("Setting size");
mb.addMenu("Edit", a);
LifePanel p;
OptionsDialog options;
JFileChooser fileDialog;
// LifePanel.java
public class LifePanel
extends JPanel
// snip several methods
public void setWorldSize(Dimension d)
private WorldPanel w;
// WorldPanel.java
public class WorldPanel
extends JPanel
// some methods are omitted
public WorldPanel()
genCount = 0;
genLabel = new JLabel("Generation " + genCount);
addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
world.setCell(e.getX(), e.getY());
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ex)
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
if(world == null) newWorld();
world.paint(g, getWidth(), getHeight());
public void newWorld(File file)
world = new GraphicWorld(file);
genCount = 0;
public void setWorldSize(Dimension d)
System.out.println("Making a new world");
if(world == null) System.out.println("World is null");
System.out.println("world:" + world);
private void newWorld()
newWorld(10, 10);
private void newWorld(int w, int h)
world = new GraphicWorld(w, h);
genCount = 0;
private void updateLabel()
genLabel.setText("Generation " + genCount);
private GraphicWorld world;
// GraphicWorld.java
public class GraphicWorld
extends World
public void paint(Graphics g, int w, int h)
x = (w - width * CELL_SIZE) / 2;
y = (h - height * CELL_SIZE) / 2;
public void paint(Graphics g)
System.out.println("in paint:" + this);
for(int i = 0; i < width + 1; ++i)
int xPos = x + i * CELL_SIZE;
g.drawLine(xPos, y, xPos, y + height * CELL_SIZE);
for(int i = 0; i < height + 1; ++i)
int yPos = y + i * CELL_SIZE;
g.drawLine(x, yPos, x + width * CELL_SIZE, yPos);
for(int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
for(int j = 0; j < height; ++j)
int left = x + i * CELL_SIZE;
int top = y + j * CELL_SIZE;
g.fillRect(left, top, CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE);
public void setCell(int x, int y)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Point p = new Point(x, y);
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(this.x, this.y,
width * CELL_SIZE,
height * CELL_SIZE);
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Coordinates are out of bounds");
int newX = (x - this.x) / CELL_SIZE;
int newY = (y - this.y) / CELL_SIZE;
board[newX][newY] = !board[newX][newY];
final private int CELL_SIZE = 10;
private int x, y;
I apologize for posting so much code. I tried to eliminate any that isn't important to my question. Note that any apparent compiler errors in the code above are a result of editing. My program DOES compile.
I will really appreciate any input about fixing my problem.
Thank you,
[This message has been edited by Layne Lund (edited December 07, 2001).]