OK I got one thing worng in that post. SOrry, but after I left work I realized that you will still always get ascending.
after making the boolean ascending an instance variable.
Ok currently you have this code.
change it to
this takes out the use of the Shift key, which you didn't want anyway, and the instance variable ascending gets changed just before the sortByColumn call, so it changes it to the opposite of what it is.
So for instance you start of with False when the instance is created. That's the default I said above to have, then the user clicks the column, it calls the mouseClicked method, which will change ascending to true, and call sortByColumn effectively sorting it ascending.
The next time the user clicks the Column, it will change ascending to equal false, and pass that to sortByColumn, effectively sorting it descending.
Whew. Finally got that written out, and now it won't bother me any more this weekend.