Originally posted by Bill Raterink:
Does anyone have/know of a sample code/program that shows how to display a file's fields on a screen for user editing? I can display the wole file in a text area, but when I tried to switch & use textFIELDS, the wheels fell off. I have to be both stand-alone, & "old java" compatible (ie. no fancy stuff) & can't use a browser(which lets out an applet). The file is a 50-element array, with each element being 7 fields. I'd like to show ONE element on the screen & then just use an up/down button to scroll forward/backward through the file, then write the array back out on the SAVE_button_Click event. (Sorry 'bout the VB slipping out). I've been programming 30+ years & this is my maiden JAVA voyage. It's been fun....so far. ; ) Thanks, -Bill.
Message for you sir! I think it is a tiny ad:
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