perhaps someone can help me out here...
I made an
applet that displays a jpeg image as a
background. I placed another image in a specified
position using the following code:
private Image buffer;
private Graphics gBuffer;
Image background, obj;
public void init()
//create graphics buffer the size of the applet
buffer= createImage(size().width, size().height);
gBuffer= buffer.getGraphics();
background= getImage(getCodeBase(), "bubble.jpg");
obj= getImage(getCodeBase(), "ball.gif");
........//from run method
Problem is, for my new applet, I want to place an image
into a panel....I can't use the add do
you mix components with Graphics class?
any ideas?
confused Bob
[ February 12, 2004: Message edited by: Bob Chandler ]
[ February 12, 2004: Message edited by: Bob Chandler ]