I have a total of three classes
two of them extends JPanel
and one of them extends JFrame
Classes Extends to JPanel
Classes Extends to JFrame
Test There are 2 panels in DerivedNames and both of them are of DerivedLabelText type. They are arranged in GridLayout in DerivedNames.
A Panel of type DerivedNames is placed into Test JFrame and there is null layout. When the frame is resized the panel's size is made equal to JFrame's size.Now the problem is When we resize the Frame i.e. Test the Panel i.e. DerivedNames is also resized but the Panels i.e. DerivedLabelText in DerivedNames does not increases its width or height at that time.
According to me that should have happened due to Layout
The following is the code
I think i have to change the preferred size of the controls and then use pack() method
Is it true But Where should i write this code
I can't find a answer to this question
please help me regarding this
Thanks in advance