Originally posted by Gunjan Malhotra:
I know that swings has extra components, but do we go for swings in case of a simple form.
is swings more safer than html + jsp.
I think it's like apples and oranges.
Html is only seen in a browser, so don't need much at the client end. But then should look at the
java equivalent, an
Applet, and applets are pretty safe. Html can look pretty chunky and needs lots of javascript to do any client validation.
On the other hand, within intranets it's easy to distribute java applications which can do far more at the client end. I have developed an application where the server jar file is about 60 KB and the client about 370KB and growing. The client looks nice, security of access is checked both in server and client, and the client is always responsive.
So it's horses for courses. Each situation is different.