I'm not sure about others. As for me, I found it's a bit difficult to find the SWT library in Eclipse.org site. I tried to find it by surfing the Eclipse.org site for several minutes and finally I gave up... Then I came out of that site and googled using "SWT library download"... Finally I can find it on Google... Now I am reading the sample chapter(chapter-3) to introduce myself with SWT...
FYI, here is the
link to SWT Library Download...
Just my 2 cents...
P.S., in the HelloWorld example of chapter-3, why don't we need to listen to the WindowsListener like in Swing? Events like closing windows... Or is it available as default in Display class? Or in Shell?
[ July 08, 2004: Message edited by: Ko Ko Naing ]
Co-author of SCMAD Exam Guide, Author of JMADPlus