No, SWT and JFace are not for web development. SWT is a GUI library for building desktop applications. JFace is an abstraction layer on top of SWT.
You can, however, build fat clients that connect to the Internet. In fact, you can embed a browser in an SWT/JFace application. Chapter 12 discusses this.
Does chapter 12 discuss the use of both Mozilla (or it's variants etc) and IE or is it focused solely on the use of IE? Does it go into detail discussing other browsers like Konqueror, etc?
edit: for clarity [ July 08, 2004: Message edited by: Greg T Robertson ]
Chapter 12 discusses embedding the SWT Browser widget in your SWT app. Under the covers, SWT uses IE on Windows, Mozilla on Linux, and Safari on Mac. It uses something else on QNX--I forget what. Those are the only platforms that support the Browser widget, and you can't change which browser is used.
Interesting approach (the separate browsers across the platforms). Could one if they were so inclined then write a single "browser" widget so to speak that could use mozilla across all platforms? (Bear in mind I know little to nothing about SWT but have seen questions related to this in other forums)
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