I am trying to have shortcuts to the menu bar items which is part of an
The first time the focus is on Applet, if I use (ALT + key) together, my menu is selected properly
If I press just ALT, IE menu gets the focus and now (ALT + key) stops working for my menu.
I have a JInternalFrame in the applet which internally contains JTable. If I select a cell in the table, (ALT+key) starts working but clicking on anywhere else on the internalframe doesn't help. Even clicking on a cell doesn't help the purpose of having keyborad shortcuts since mouse has to be used.
The related problem I get is that if the cell is selected in the table and I press (ALT + key), my menu item gets selected but also the cell goes in edit mode. I don't want this to happen and want to disable ell editing on ALt+keydown
IS there any way to circumvent this problem?
Please Help!!!