posted 20 years ago
I have created a TextField (NumericTextField) component which allows only numbers to bt typed in. Using this component I have created a TAbleEditorComponent (EvenNumberEditor) which allows only even numbers to be entered. I install EvenNumberEditor as a default editor for a testTable componenet which extends JTable.
This code is supposed to allow entry of only characters when the editing starts in the first column (0th) of the JTable. Evrything works fine if you properly invoke editing by either pressing f2 or by double-clicking on the Table Cell.
But problem arises when cell has focus, but editubg has not started and user starts typing directly. The NumericTextField seems to be not working. The TableCellEditor invoked is not using the NumericTextField component. User can type even text also for the field.
Can somebody please help out ??
Thanks in advance