JasperAssistant is a visual report designer for JasperReports, a popular open-source reporting engine. It is built on top of the Eclipse's plug-in architecture and its main goal is to help you create JasperReports report definition files through an intuitive graphical interface.
New features in this version:
- The latest JasperReports 0.6.1 support. This release of JasperReports
introduces a new section called "Last Page Footer" that allows to display summary
information at the bottom of the last page in the generated document.
- Rulers/Guides support. (Eclipse 3.0)
- Snap to Guides support. (Eclipse 3.0)
- New custom data source that allows to plug-in user-defined data sources.
Previously unsupported data sources such as JRBeanArrayDataSource and JRBeanCollectionDataSource
can now be used with JasperAssistant.
Other minor changes: