1)What code do I use to change the Java coffe cup icon in the title bar of a JFrame.
2) I have a gif which is 42x20 in size and 256 colors. What tool can I use to create an image to use in the title bar. And does the tool make it into a gif, jpeg, ico that will be easy to make out in the small space its given...Also what the code to add this.
comming to the type and size of image. as far as i tried except bitmap file (.bmp) we can set any type of image and that image will be resized to default height and width of frame titlebar icon.
Hope This Helps
All The Best [ March 24, 2005: Message edited by: sasi kala ]
Make the icon square. If you don't like the way Java will shrink it to the size of the icon (might blur unusually), use an editor and shrink it yourself to fit.
Common size on a windows system is 16x16. However, I'd suggest a 32x32 in case it's slightly larger.. I'd rather have it shrink automatically rather than expand.