Hi everyone. I recently started developing an application using
Java and SWT. I'm happy with the progress, but the GUI related code is getting to messy. It just seems that there is a lot of state information to pass around, even for the simplest operations.
For example, something as simple as opening a window carries with it a lot of state information, because depending on the way the window was opened, different widgets should be initialized in different ways. I find myself using temp variables to hold initialization values, which easily can be misused, if I forget to set or reset them. This is just one example, there are other issues I come across regularly.
So, I'd like to ask the GUI gurus around for some books or web articles that help in designing good architectures for GUI applications. Preferrably, please list practical books/articles with real code. I deal better with examples than purely theoretical concepts (I prefer to study these after having some practical grasp of the subject).
Thanks everyone in advance,
Miguel Barrosa