posted 19 years ago
I'm adding I18N feature to my app. I'd like my app to be able to update the language in the GUI dynamically when user chooses a particular language. Suppose the initial language (whe the app starts)is US_EN. Now I have a language panel (from my apps options menu) that consists of several languags in the form or radio button. User chooses one of the language from
the pannel (say japanese)and hit update button. Now, I'd like the GUI to update the language from resourcebundle automatically and display it..
One way of doing that would be, updating all the labels,tooltiptext etc. in your GUI from the modified resourcebundle, programatically. However that might require signifact amout of coding depending on how many places you need to make those changes..
My question is, is there a better way of getting the job done?
Thanks in advance.