I have class that extends a non-modal JDialog box (the only way I could find to easily have an always-on-top window), and I'd like to add the ability to maximize it. Of course, I can add a button myself that will just make its dimensions the same as the screen, but I wondered if there was a solution that would let me have the normal OS-type maximize button in the title bar.
I tried explicity making it resizable to no avail; I can resize it fine, but no maximize button...it kind of makes sense that a dialog wouldn't be able to be maximized, but it doesn't make sense that I need to make a window a dialog just to get it to be on top :roll:
Thanks anyway---I'm ending up just making a button to maximize/restore the window myself.
As an update, I did manage to find a class someone made to let a JFrame act in many ways like a modal dialog (with a maximize button!). This doesn't quite fit my purposes, as I only want the on-top functionality, not the modality, but I wanted to share the link: Are you missing a maximize button on JDialog?
Thanks Pat, for the suggestion; this code works also, for anyone who's interested:
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