I made a component using Swing for file upload thru drag and drop. Its working perfectly OK with IE browser in Windows platform but its not working in Macintosh. Any idea whats wrong with it?
Not until you post some code or the exact error messages you are getting. What browser are you using on the Mac? Have you tried alternative browsers on Windows to see if it really is an OS issue?
But again: 'not working' how? Does the applet load? Does it run and then crash? What happens? Even if you see no error message, it is more helpful to to us this than to just say 'it doesn't work'.
Actually this applet is running perfectly when we execute/load it individually i.e. without any web application. But when i try to execute the applet eith web application, it's not executing in any browser in windows or mac.. Otherwise rest all the applet is working perfectly OK with windows as well as mac browsers.. With this applet,,its showing "Class Not Found" Error... Any inputs???