I'm trying to reload a part of the jtree, where the node value has been changed (suppose the tree represents directory structure and the some file name has been modified under the root directory). The problem is that, each time I reload it, the tree collapses. I have an utility function to expand the tree but the problem is that the tree nodes changes (basically file names)quite frequently (every sec) and expanding the whole tree after each reload causing horrible flickering. I tried reload(node), fireTreeStructureChanged(Object source, Object[] path, int[] childIndices, Object[] children) , reload and all sort of relevant methods. But nothing works!! Can anyone tell me how to refresh a node of a tree without collapsing the whole tree. From my google search, it seems that it is an open problem! I'd appreciate if you could provide me an working example.. As for example a FileTree where a file name change on your local machine will be reflected in that tree dynamically, without collapsing the tree. Thanks. -Dan [ January 17, 2006: Message edited by: S Dan ]
I am having the same problem, with respect to implementing a tree table. Did you get any leads for your question. Any help in this regards would be greatly appreciated.